As part of the national stargazing days, you can also go stargazing in Friesland in the weekend of 24-26 February.
Have you always wanted to look at stars with a real telescope? It is possible during the national stargazing days. Observatories open their doors to the public at various locations throughout the Netherlands.
Stargazing in Burgum
The Observeum Museum & Observatory Burgum is open these evenings from 19:00 to 22:00. The observatory’s four telescopes are pointed at different celestial bodies. An interesting outing for young and old. Children up to 5 years old can enter for free, children from 6 to 17 years old pay 1.50 euros entrance and adults 2.50 euros.
The Else Elsinga Planetarium
You can also go to the Frisian town of Franeker. Young and old are welcome at the Eise Eisinga Planetarium. An explanation is given about the solar system and then the current starry sky is explained on the basis of a rotating star map.